Tales from the Trenches - HSR Home Staging Certification Training

Here are some fun stories I've gotten over the years...

At HSR, we are firm believers in not reinventing the wheel and learning from others. What makes our training so unique is its ability to evolve, grow and be relevant based upon the constant interviews, emails and feedback we are getting from veterans in our industry. These are just a few of the educational and inspiring emails I get daily. Enjoy!

Tears of Joy and a Two Hundred Dollar Tip!

Hi Audra

Thank you so much for returning my phone call today. The staging job was a GREAT success, the Real Estate Broker came over and went crazy over it but best of all the home owner cried! By the way the owner gave a two hundred dollar tip, you have to love that. I must say that it was really nice to talk with you and not some one from your office, not that that would be bad , but it really shows how much you care about us, much thanks from a small town in Oregon.

Best, Kathy Rosecrans
Cottage Door Designs

HSR Networking Pays Off - Holly's Story

Audra -

You must have been reading my mind. I am doing great and was planning
on sending you an update. I joined the BNI Georgetown group and have
nothing but great things to say about it. I've been in contact and
given presentation to a realtor and a homebuilder in this area & there
is interest in my work! The referrals of the BNI more than cover the
cost of dues and I am a happy camper. I am continuing my marketing.

Just this past weekend, I was at a client's home wrapping up when I
got a phone call from another HSR trained stager in a neighboring
area. She had received a call from someone who needed a stager in
preparation to listing his house. She lived to far from him and asked
if I would be interested? Long story short, the homeowner called me
later that day and I went out to his home. Contract signed and I am
shopping for new rugs to take out on staging day!

I really appreciate the marketing and website Audra. Everyone I talk
to loves the site. I have in fact now removed all "stock photos" and
put my own photos in!

Best, Holly Taylor

Funny Song Written by an HSR Member

Hi, Audra,

I thought that this might give you a laugh. It’s a song that I wrote about web site rankings. I just checked on my major keywords for one of my other companies, and I still get first organic rankings. Yes, I realize that when I do a staging web site, it’s going to be a bit more competitive, but I have some rules that have helped me over the years. Anyway, here’s a laugh for you with my new song.

Fran Scarborough

To Tweet or Not to Tweet—That is the Question
Sung to the tune of Bob Seger’s song “Fire Down Below”

First I saw Linkedin, it looked mighty fine
but working on it was taking all my time.
Told it gave me ranking even during night
but my chain was yanking even during morning light.
Was my web site, as they say, “come and go”?
They got one thing in common
They forgot html from below.

Here comes Facebook in its fabulous new screen.
I was being followed by my family and their cute little tweens.
One photo and another including a lawyer and a cop
One thing for certain it ain’t ever gonna stop.

When it all gets too heavy
That’s where the big downloads go.
With only one thing in common
We’ve got the Tweets yet to go.

It happened on my Mac, and happened on my HP
from the kitchen computer to my office in between.
And it went on yesterday and it’s going on tonight
Somewhere somebody ain’t tweetin somebody right.

I tweeted so much on Tweeter when I didn’t have the time.
Now I realize that rankings do have reason and some rhyme.
My computer brings on the flicker every single night.
I’ll be working on my html and my brand new web site.

All through the websites
We watch ‘em come and watch ‘em go.
With only one thing in common
The best got design work to show.

Fran Scarborough, © Copyright 2010

Retail Space to Showcase Work - Tammy's Story


I wanted to share my success story with you since I have taken your course and developed my Home Staging and Interior Redesign business.

A friend of mine relocated her Art Gallery to downtown Jasper, AL. I told her I would design her new gallery to offer her a new look for her new location. She was overwhelmed. The renovation took several weeks, and turned out beautifully. As an act of appreciation, she asked if I would like to bring my Home Staging and Redesign office to her Gallery. I accepted and started my office transformation. During the renovation I had several clients ask for my services. A redesign, jewelry store renovation and a lake house redesign. I had two Realtors contact me to stage two homes for their clients. I was asked to speak at the Walker County Board of Realtors and Walker County Home Builders Association. As a Certified Home Staging Specialist, I have found that credentials is what it takes to get your name out to the public. We had our Grand Opening this past Saturday. SUCCESS!

Your course offered me a opportunity to pursue a career I have been developing for many years. Knowledge and experience is so valuable when you are trying to educate the public about Home Staging. I refer to your site daily. It gives me confidence that I am going in the right direction with my presentations and services.

I am forwarding you a real estate show of my office renovation. I am so proud of the way it has developed:


I am so glad to have found your on-line course and absolutely believe that other courses I have found would not have produced the success I have found as a result of taking your course.

I had a new friend call and ask about me how I got started in my business and courses available. I told her your course would give her all the tools she would need to start her own Home Staging business. She came to my grand opening and saw my office, and said that gave her all the confidence she needed to get started.

Thanks for all the newsletters and encouragement you send. I hope my success story will motivate others to follow their dreams. I have made it and so can they!

Tammy Benson, Finishes By Design

Activity Equals Business - Kathryn's Story

I am just now in the marketing phase and had my second staging job last week, a 7000 sq ft home on two acres!

I had done a presentation at a real estate office for all of the realtors and one of them referred me to this client, to help prepare her home for sale this week end. I met with the realtor again this morning and they have invited me to participate in their "Tour of Homes" in June as a preferred vendor. They have also invited me to go on their realtor tours once a month, to help assess the needs of the new homes listed! I am very excited about this opportunity and will be asking other real estate offices the same.

I am taking two photography classes to get my skills up to par.
I loved the training and refer back to your site almost every day. I am also going to attend my first RESA meeting in Dallas next week.
Thank you again for everything.

The Snowball Effect of Staging - Anita's Story

Hello Audra,

I was contacted by an older woman under a strict budget with an immaculate home. Her realtor did not think she needed to do anything but the woman felt sure she needed some help. Due to her budget restraints, I met with her twice and provided a written report. She “GOT” it! She took the report and ran with it. Her home was under contract in less than three weeks.

How do I know she “got” it? I was laying face down on my chiropractor’s table and he was telling me about house hunting with his father. So far they had looked at over 60 properties. He then started telling me about one home they looked at that he was certain had been staged. He said it was perfect – that walking through it his dad leaned over and whispered “I feel like I’ve just come home – like this was waiting for me.” They had two more properties to see but dad couldn’t get the one out of his mind. They told their realtor they wanted to make an offer on the “home,” but by the time they called, it was already under contract. Laying there and listening to the story, I asked “Was this home on Eric Drive?” “Yes!” he replied. I then told him it was one of mine and we got a big laugh. He then featured me on his website and sang my praises to all of his real estate patients. I just finished a job for one of his patients.

But that one job snowballed into more. Her realtor (remember the one that didn’t think she needed staging) called me and told me she was posting the photos and was just amazed at the transformation. She asked me to come and consult on her own home! Then she told her real estate partner about me, who then told a prestigious client (the Clerk of Court) about me, and she hired me for a day and a half of staging. I have now done two more consultations (paid for by the realtor) and have a mini-staging scheduled.

Anita Hoppenstand

Continuous Networking Mode and Chamber of Commerce

Hi Audra,

Just thought I give you another crazy story to tell. Within one hour (I am NOT making this up) of finishing my new website and having you take the old one down, I got a call from a realtor wanting me to vacant stage a home of a client of his. I hadn't even planned to offer vacant staging for months, but I've called a furniture company and the rep is going to work with me. Nothing like learning by fire!! Anyway, I asked the realtor how he found me, and he said he found HSR on google and then went to the Colorado directory. He said I'm the first stager listed in CO Springs that has a website. So THANK YOU to you and all your staff that have helped me make this transition to the new business name and get everything up and runnning so fast!!!! Now if I only had my new business cards already... 🙂

Lisa Vargas

Audra's Side Note - The HSR Directory is by Expiration Date, so new signups and renewing early puts you towards the top because you have the furthest expiration date to your membership.

Continuous Networking Mode and Chamber of Commerce

Hello Audra,

...I had been with a client in Ross and we were shopping and a lady walked up to me and asked me for some decorating advice since she had over heard me speaking to my client. That turned out to be a big redesign project (kitchen, living room, bedroom, office, sun room, dining room). That client's fiancé owns 3 beach front property's and would like to put two on the market in February and he would like me to stage both property's. Both beach property's are furnished with some great pieces of furniture but I will need a few additional focal pieces. I am meeting with Fashion Furniture this morning to take a look at their selection of furniture.

I ended up attending a San Diego Chamber of Commerce after-five mixer with the Fashion Furniture representative and joined the Chamber of Commerce (Standard Package $450.00). Not sure if that was a smart move but the networking was phenomenal and I met 2 builder's and a few real estate agents. I will be able to use their logo on my website so I will contact the HSR web team to see how I can go about getting that on the site. They have also listed me in their directory under Home Stager and I am on a Housing Committee Board and a Business referral network team of 14 people.

Naomi Alexander

Co-Sponsored Newsletters

Hi Audra,

This week I established my business checking account and I have partnered up with two Realtors.

I have also co-founded a newsletter to launch in the Springtime. It will target 700+ residents and the newsletter will feature regular articles on Home Staging and Real Estate among other topics on finance and inspiration to educate and empower readers.

I have also joined my local Chamber of Commerce and they announce new businesses and their contact information in the local newspapers. I think it's a great way to network with other businesses and get your name out there.

Michelle Molina

Note - Agents who send out newsletters are more than happy to split the cost and have you contribute as it lends credibility to their work and you!

Hi Audra,

I still advocate my HSR investment as some of the best money I've ever spent!

Take it from me, I have not been afraid - throughout my life to try different opportunities and this seems to be a very good fit for me. I am actually approaching my tenth year as I signed up with HSR on May 1st of 2007. Anyway, I think I've rounded the corner and will have more business than I can handle by myself next year at this same time. As your training manual mentions, I have found vacant home staging to be lucrative -especially since I have started investing in the purchase of my own furniture. I have two vacant stagings so far this month as well as a third partial. In addition, I have several quotes floating out there. I also notice a need with investors who have chosen to auction their properties- they only need the furniture for a few days and yet it ends up being even more work than a three month staging job, because everything is still done, but it is condensed into a tighter time frame. Well, I can barely keep up with everything I want to do. Thanks for all you do. I'm looking forward to an HSR convention and will definitely attend (and help too if you need it!)

Lisa Ciofani Basham
Staged to Sell Homes and Remodeling

Wave Marketing Works!
Hi Audra,

Things are going good. I started things out a little slow due to the fact that I am closing my current business. I did do my first wave marketing last night. I got my first call within 10 minutes!!! I will be meeting with the Realtor next week. I am planning on hosting a cocktail party in my area soon to introduce myself to the Realtors in the area. I will keep you posted.
I can't thank you enough for offering such a great program. With my last business it took me a lot of time to put ideas together along with marketing letters. A lot of trial and error. UGH!!! With this program you have put everything together for me. Thank you again.

Belinda O'Brien