I think you know by now that I LOVE developing training and adding the additional tools and resources you will need for your business to this training!
The HSR Library is the spot I'm able to add "extra" materials without overwhelming you with it in the training. There is so much to know in this industry, so this allows me to give you more...
NEW! Canva Templates
Get all my Canva creations within your own Canva account!
Forms Library
Even though the forms are listed in the "resources" section of each of the training sections, it's nice having them all in one place for easy reference!
Videos for You
This section features the many different sales videos we've created over the years for you to share on your website and use to sell your services
Products I Love
Here's a link list of some of my favorite staging products/learning resources, as well as my growing Pinterest Board of Staging Accessories.
Social Media Library
Wouldn't it be great if there were videos, images and materials that are DONE FOR YOU that you can use for social media?
Technology and Business
Technology is always changing, so this section allows me to give you my latest favorites when it comes to systems...
Q & A Webinar Recordings
I record our live webinars, so will post them in this section. Here you can see some of the common questions and answers.
Real Estate Wisdom
Having an understanding and knowledge of the way the real estate industry works is essential! Here are some great resources..
Educating Clients
More tools and resources on how to educate clients on the benefits of staging. This is just extra but still good to know...
Member Veteran Interviews
I love to interview my successful veterans and pick their brain on what is working NOW. Here are those interviews...
Tales from the Trenches
It's always good to learn from others and this section is a conglomeration of some of the emails I've gotten.
Photo Galleries
Who doesn't love looking at inspiration photos? Here are some galleries and styling ideas to inspire and help you with your "art".
Good to Know Design Stuff
Measurements, styles, how to mix patterns, etc.. This is a growing Pinterest Board of design good to know...
Conquering Your Fear
Fear is the single worst thing that can hold us back and keep us from our dreams! Here are some tips for handling fear...