Referrals & Testimonials - HSR Home Staging Certification Training

Getting Testimonials and Referrals

Once a client sees the work you do in the home, it's very easy to simply ask them for their feedback, a testimonial and potential referrals. Feedback is important because it allows you to critically reflect and improve. Testimonials are worth their weight in gold because you can use them in your marketing materials, website and email campaigns. Referrals will be the growth in your business that you rely on over time because ultimately, that is how small businesses grow exponentially!  Here's some easy tips to follow:

Make it Easy

Even though we provide a "Client Satisfaction Survey" below, I recommend keeping it very simple and sending an email with direct links to where you would like an online testimonial (choose either if the client is registered there or as two popular places for reviews)

Be Complimentary Then Gracious

Time is precious, so use verbiage that appreciates their time!

"Thank you so much for the privilege of working with you in your fantastic home!  Testimonials are the lifeblood of a service business, so I would love if you could take one-minute, click on one of the links below and provide a testimonial about my business..." (Put the direct links below the text, so it's an easy click away)


"My business relies on satisfied customers like yourself providing testimonials, so that others can make an educated decision about choosing a home stager! I really enjoyed working with you and hope you don't mind sending a quick reply and giving a testimonial as to how I did in your home."

Text Your Full Contact Information

Think about how people share their "contacts" via their mobile devices.  Make sure to have full information about your business in your phone, so that you can easily send a quick text to a client after a job and share your full contact, so that it's easy for them to refer your business to others.  Here's an example of what you would say...

Don't Forget the Vendors You Work With!

Use those same tactics with your vendors!  Very likely they are not going to keep your business cards on hand BUT they will share your contact information if it's in their phone easily!

Referrals for Redesign

Referrals from folks who could benefit from the Redesign side of what you do are almost a no-brainer! If the client was extremely happy with your work, ask if they could host an "open house" or  "Wine and Redesign Party" where they invite their friends, show off their newly staged/redesigned home and are given your brief pitch about the beauty of living in a home that is tailored to them.

The Resources and Downloads Mentioned in This Section Are: