How to Handle Model Homes

Tackling model or spec homes is no easy task, so I created a step-by-step process, presentation and plan that you can follow to price and stage model homes. Before we get started, these are the forms associated with this training (and they are also at the bottom of this page).
- Builder Order Sheet - Your phone order sheet (similar to all others)
- Model Home Pricing PowerPoint Presentation - You will love how great this makes you look!
- Model Home Pricing Sheet
- Model Home Planning Worksheet
Video 1 - Training Overview and the Builder Phone Order Sheet
Video 2 - Researching the Buyer Demographic
Website for Research - http://www.esri.com/data/esri_data/ziptapestry
Video 3 - Rules for Luxury Home Design & Audra's 5 Rules of Design Success!
Video 4 - The Fun Part...Let's Look at Some Model Home Example Photos
Video 5 - How to Price a Model Home Project and Share Your Price Vision

Right Click and Save As...to download this image
Video 6 - Choosing Key Vendors for Model Home Staging - My Favorites
My Latest FAVORITE Wholesale Vendor (this video is also in the Black Book)
Video 7 - Using Vision or Concept Boards and Floor Planning - Best Resources
This video is even good for creating mood board, design boards for clients because I like this technology and think it's the easiest one to use. Here are the two main vision board resources:
- DesignFiles.co - My latest favorite edesign softward platform with a FREE trial and from the makers of OlioBoard!
DesignFiles.co is from the creators of Olioboard and I have been working with their CEO to get this very cool, design board company partnered with HSR!
Here's the scoop...sign up for a VERY DISCOUNTED account by CLICKING HERE
With e-Design gaining more and more traction within our industry, a huge opportunity has opened up for designers. By offering faster, more affordable, and more convenient interior ‘e-design’ services, you can tap into a significantly larger potential client audience and not be limited to servicing just your local area.
To create a vision for your clients, I recommend using DesignFiles.co
DesignFiles.co provides interior designers with their own professional and private e-design platform where both designer and client can log in to discuss a design job from start to finish. In minutes you can have your e-design business up and running and ready to accept clients. What I like best about DesignFiles is that it's built to help designers grow their OWN business.
- Wecora - I no longer recommend Wecora because they do not offer a free trial anymore:(.
- Floorplanner.com - Great and free tool for drawing out room layouts, so you get scale correct.
The Resources and Downloads Mentioned in This Section Are:
- Builder Order Sheet - Your phone order sheet (similar to all others)
- Model Home Pricing PowerPoint Presentation - You will love how great this makes you look!
- Model Home Pricing Sheet
- Model Home Planning Worksheet