Google Page One - HSR Home Staging Certification Training

Getting to the Top of Google

There's a reason why we list Google first among the "Credibility Connecting" Lessons and it's because there is no denying the power of a Google presence for your business!  In the over ten years of this training, Google is the ONE consistently awesome marketing avenue we train on!

Google Map Your Business

Did you know that 46% of all searches on Google are local searches?

That’s right. Nearly half of the people checking out your business online will be located within your immediate geographical area.

Go to and get your business listed right away!

  • Make sure to include PLENTY of photos!
  • Connect your website and begin adding reviews
  • Use the dashboard once you're set up to stay updated on reviews, clicks and visits.

Google Pay Per Click (ppc)

Another great way to get to the TOP of Google is to pay for it.  You can "sponsor" specific searches and create an ad, so that home sellers and agents searching online can see you right away.  This is probably the best way to spend your marketing budget right away! 

All you need to do is go to and click on "Advertising Programs". Google will walk you through the rest. You only pay if someone clicks on your listing, so make sure your ad is specific to your area and offering ie. "Certified professional expert home stager in Tulsa. Call for a consultation!"

I've seen many a member do well by figuring out the best way to advertise their business using Google. Create an account, brainstorm on key words and phrases people in your area might use, make it location specific and watch it carefully! Once you've finessed your Google account, you won't need to mess with it again. This is what I call a marketing activity that works while you sleep 24/7! Here are my top five tips for setting up your pay per click campaign:

  1. Use Google's People and Resources and Make it location specific - Google will help you with this!
  2. Create Different Campaigns to Match Your Different Services - Have a staging campaign where your ad is focused on your staging services. Have a interior decorating campaign where your ad is focused on decorating and redesign using what they have.
  3. Call to Action in Your Ads - Stand out by creating a call to action in your ad like: "Sell fast! Call for a Certified Home Stager consultation today!"
  4. Create a Daily Budget - Make sure you set a budget per day like $5.00! When we first launched the Home Staging Resource, we neglected to do this and Yahoo had a page one ad on staging with art. Guess what? Our PPC cost that day was over $1000!
  5. Watch it Like a Hawk - For the first few weeks, you'll want to narrow or open up your search criteria based on the amount of traffic.

Bing Places for Business

Bing isn't nearly as big as Google or Facebook BUT it does control a third of search!  Google controls 65% and Bing controls 33%, so getting your business listed (and possibly doing a ppc on both) will REALLY cover the search results!

Go to and get your business listed right away!

Getting Your Website on Google Page One (SEO)

I talked about this in the Website WORCS section but it bears give your website "value" in Google's eyes and get on page one in the "natural" results you have to :

  • Use location key words and the terms "home stager" and "home staging" in key title and meta tags on your website (so Google knows how to classify you)
  • Have good, original text and content on each page of your website with key word and location
  • Use a WordPress platform and Theme that is mobile friendly, fast and easy to load

About Local SEO

Local search engine optimization for location based businesses like yours is an art form!  Similar to the Social Networking, SEO changes all the time, so here are a could good resources to use to learn more about local SEO.

Josh Hamit, the Founder of "Improve My Search Ranking" wrote the best, step-by-step guide on local search entitled: "The Ultimate Guide to Local SEO - 2017 Edition".  He graciously offered to share the report with you all, so download the pdf by clicking on the button below...

Of course the resources I listed for social networking are also great sources for finding out more about "Local SEO" so if you have a particular question, refer to, or for updated direction.