I never get tired of hearing people's "stories"...
In fact, every time someone signs up for my home staging certification program, I interview them to get a picture of what their background is and what their hopes and goals are for their business. I am always so inspired and humbled by the responses I get! Here are just a few that I've gotten in the last month:
"I've been rearranging rooms since I was a child, so I can't wait to finally follow my dream of design and make money at it!"
"My mother was my design inspiration and when she passed away last year, I knew I had to pursue this"
"My goal is to create a staging empire!"
"I got bored of being retired and wanted to do something I loved and that would make my children proud"
"I'm a real estate agent who has always LOVED design, so my goal is to dial in my own listings, as well as help other agents stage theirs"
"I have had an Interior Design business for over ten years and wanted to incorporate home staging as an additional service"
"I hate my full time job and feel stuck...my goal is to work hard, learn like crazy and do staging and design full time!"
At the RESA Convention last month, Tori Toth was kind enough to take some of my HSR grads aside and interview them to get their stories...you will love what they have to say!
Over the next few months, I'm excited to share some more homestager stories along with their before-and-after photos. You will be in "awe" of their transformations!
Five different professional home stagers tell their story of how they got into the industry, how long they’ve been doing it and their opinion on training.