Home Stagers Story – Pursuing Her Dream

Is It Time to Choose Yourself?
I love this email I just got from Sharon Rapp, of Rapizazz a Charlotte, NC home stager…
When I decided to quit my job working for a Fortune 100 company, I knew this could be the opportunity for me to pursue my life-long dream to have my own business. I always loved decorating homes and had successfully staged several homes to sell. I knew it was something I would love to do but didn’t know where to start…
I think Sharon is very common of a lot of people who work in “Corporate America”. Statistically, most people know they are not doing what they really love…yet are fearful of stepping out on their own as an entrepreneur. I get that because I was the same way until I got laid-off. When I got laid-off, I was crushed…you see I thought if I did a good job, I would always have one…but in Corporate America, that’s just not true. Getting laid-off was the best thing for me because it changed the way I felt about business. I realized that no matter what, you have to produce. You can either produce for yourself (be an entrepreneur) and reap the full benefits of your hard work, OR produce for someone else (be an employee). I say “choose yourself” which is what Sharon did!
I found HSR’s training program and was pleasantly surprised to find that the training included the A-to-Z’s of starting up a home staging and redesign business. What a windfall of a find! I especially loved the marketing training to “Bling Your Brand”. Audra is so insightful!
It’s not easy to choose yourself and not everyone is cut out to be an entrepreneur, so you should always do your research and do some serious soul searching. Finally, this is what Sharon had to say about where she is now…
Thanks Sharon!