Those that know me, also know that I have a HUGE problem with home stagers having to reinvent things for their business...
There's A LOT to know in this industry like extreme design expertise, real estate knowledge, where to shop for that perfect XX, small business know-how and marketing, etc...
Why is it that every other staging trainer makes it so that stagers have to recreate the wheel when it comes to creating social media posts, realtor presentations, brochures, flyers, staging reports and contracts (among all the other stuff we create for our business)!
Okay, enough ranting...let me get down to the cool stuff and a free give-away just for you:-)
We are in the image industry, so everything that represents us like our marketing materials, business cards, website and all of our handouts have to look FABULOSO...right?
Word docs and Picmonkey are just not gonna cut it these days, so that's why Canva is the answer and...
I've just added direct links to all my Canva Templates in the HSR Members Training Area since Canva now allows me to share my cool creations directly to your Canva account...woot!
(If you don't know what Canva is my friend, then I just unleashed the beast in you because you will LOVE it! It's a FREE marketing creation platform that is TRULY amazing, so go to Canva.com to check it out)
Now my HSR members can take my Canva Staging Checklist and completely change the colors...
Or edit all the text, photos and add their personal branding, as well as change the fonts SUPER easily...
I've got a 10-Page Statistic Driven Canva template for home stagers to use in their Realtor PowerPoint Presentations:
I've got Canva templates for home stagers to give their Real Estate Agent Partners in order to make them look great:
I've got a fantastic hand-out to give to home sellers, agent partners or have on your website as a give-away (in exchange for their email):
I've got OODLES of gorgeous staging statistic imagery in a Canva template form, so home stagers can put them on their websites, brochures or even use in their social media...here's just one example:
My HSR members are NEVER looking at a blank page or reinventing the wheel with their business, so that they can focus on what they do best...stage and transform homes!
Now, I've got a freebie for you just so you can see how incredibly useful these templates can be in your marketing and branding. Simply swap out the before/after photos to your own and use this in your social media or on your "Vacant Services" page on your site.
Just answer the quiz question below and get my Canva Template link to the imagery below for FREE!

It's all about helping you make your dream of staging a reality! Hope you love the template and hopefully I will see you in my next FREE, live webinar...
PS - In full disclosure, I am a Canva Affiliate since I LOVE that website.