I love this story because it shows that the principles of gorgeous home staging are universal! Pavlina Glacnerova of Prague Home Staging, has a wonderful talent of transforming rooms. She also has an encouraging story to tell about how she got started, so read on and hear in her own words her story, while enjoying her photos…
I am a mother of two small kids (1 and 3 years) and I got very nervous about my future career last year. I realized that I don’t want to get back to my former profession – account manager. I yearned for a job without any time borders, without hundreds of pointless reports, without a boss which doesn’t listen but boasts of my success. I desired to be responsible for all my action and express myself.
One day I saw some realtor talking on a TV about real estate business in Czech Republic and suddenly he mentioned Home Staging. He said that it is something brand new in our area and it’s got a great potential to be very successful soon. First I started searching on the internet for some details to find out what it takes to do it. I found a few awesome pages of Home Stagers in USA and Canada and realized I need some serious training.
I found HSR and immediately had no doubt that this is the right resource for my dream career. The was even more surprised when I had sent some questions and Audra’s emailed response arrived immediately. Because I am from Europe I’m a bit limited by a different time zone. But this fact turned out to be unimportant with HSR. I was also quite concerned about the time to finish the course but thanks to HSR I’ve been able to study by my own pace and successfully finish and achieve the certification in about six months.
I can’t even express how happy I am that I joined this training because HSR is not only about training but mainly a critical resource of information absolutely necessary for the right start. It is not only about home decorating, design and real estate business. It’s about a million other practical advises and instructions which you need if you want to start doing this business and be successful. It is about your presentation, how to naturally approach to a client or realtor, how to build a credible business and relationships…how to get respect.
I looks to me like Pavlina is doing everything right! Her photos look spectacular and she’s branding herself beautifully on her website: http://ukazkovydomov.cz/
Great job Pavlina!
I’m always in awe of the home stager and designer that has that uncanny ability to reach into the home and pull out a persona that resonates immediately with the buyer. Kristin Biorn of Kristin Biorn Interiors in the Beverly Hills/Malibu area is so gifted at home staging and design, that she is one of the top home stagers in one of the most competitive locations in the world! When you see her work below, you’ll know why she’s so successful at what she does…
In this Brentwood home, she managed to “de-personalize” yet add personality with a Marilyn Monroe theme. Her focal point helps to emphasize the fantastic, stone fireplace, as well as give unity to the eclectic furnishings.
In the same home, she weaves the Marilyn Monroe, glam theme throughout the home and creates an office space to die for! Notice the uniquely framed photos of Marilyn which replaced the family photos originally. A functional, personal space that buyers can envision working in. She also helps the buyer’s remember her homes by creating a theme and rhythm throughout the space. Since buyers look at many homes online, she wants her homes to be the ones they click back to!
A master bedroom that is calm, cool and collected is highly desired by buyers! Kristin works wonders in this bedroom by connecting the space with a cool pallette filled with silks, velvet and comfort!
Thanks…and remind them it all began with you! You gave me the confidence to go out and become one of the top home stagers from Malibu to Beverly Hills. So Thank You!
It warms my heart to see people take their God given talent and use it successfully! Here are a couple more staging tips I gathered from Kristin’s work:
Symmetry in a room creates a calming balance that buyers can connect with. Her repeated use of various textures from the fluffy rug, to silk pillows and mirrored table create interest when the palette is very neutral.
Kristin reads the integrity of the home perfectly by knowing when to play up the space or down depending on the vision. This dining room looks straight out of magazine spread because she merchandised the table beautifully! An experienced and trained home stager know when to set the table of leave it…there is no formula to staging.
How about a closer look:
Thanks Kristin for sharing your work!
Cheers to all the talented home stager’s out there! Any more tips you would like to add to this post?
XOXO – Happy Staging!
Audra Slinkey
Hope to hear from you!
One of the things I talk about a lot in the training is the importance of branding yourself, knowing what you’re about and putting that personality into your website! As you can see from Jenna’s website photo, she loves what she does, she loves her pup and she’s smiling about her business! Just looking at her photos makes me smile too!
When I sat down and chatted with Jenna about her business and it’s immediate success, she had a lot to say, as well as a lot of helpful tips to share with other stagers…
Thank you so much for taking the time to speak with me today. I can’t tell you how much HSR has truly helped me achieve my dream in owning my own home staging and design business! I started my business in the beginning of March 2012 in the Northern Virginia area. With the help of HSR, my business has been booming since a month after I started!!
Through BNI (Business Networkers International), I have joined a chapter and am a part of a networking team of partners that I work with regularly. Through BNI and local business chamber events, I have met and partnered with many key people, which has helped my business soar exponentially. They key is to be able to meet people and sit down with them to discuss your business and what you stand for. By gaining these relationships, professionals WANT to refer you to people, instead of taking a shot in the dark with someone they don’t know much about. Once I joined BNI and started attending networking on a regular basis, I have gotten to a point where I am having trouble keeping up with all of the work that is coming in!
Custom Painting by Jenna
Another thing I think helped me in getting started, was offering a broader range of services. Since I have done custom paintings and faux finishing for years prior, I included that in my services. I also grew up very savvy with furniture finishing, and included that as well. By adding these values to my repertoire of home staging, design, and shopping services, I was able to give people additional reasons to “try me out”.
In the HSR training, I emphasize the importance of having an image that looks FANTASTIC! Whether we like it or not, we are in the “image” industry, so having a gorgeous website, portfolio, bio, forms, email signature, logo and brand really matters! One of my favorite and FREE websites to use for branding is called PicMonkey.
Here is a quick video that shows you how to create a before-and-after “photo story” for your clients. I like slideshows but sometimes your website visitors can be impatient, so having your best transformations branded with your name makes sense.
Sky is the limit when it comes to using this cool tool!
You can use this same before-and-after full image as your Facebook cover too. For instance, here is a quick visual of what you can do to display your staging success:
XOXO – Happy Staging!
Audra Slinkey
Hope to hear from you!
Creating a successful home staging business is not easy, so when I see stagers do great things in the industry…I just have to brag about it!
I could literally go on and on with fantastic before and after photos to show you what amazing work home stagers and redesigners can do in a home! The success is in the photos!
XOXO – Happy Staging!
Audra Slinkey
Hope to hear from you!