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Staging Training Comparison

home staging certification

20+ Reasons Why HSR is Your Best Choice for Staging Training…

A lot of training companies will call themselves the “world’s best” or “accredited” but you have to dig deeper to find out the facts and make sure you invest in the best partnership for your business!  I know it’s confusing, so I recently put together this video in hopes to explain the HSR point of view and my philosophy on what makes us the best choice.


Another great reason to choose HSR as your trainer of choice!  The Home Staging Resource was the first truly, Accredited Home Staging Training Provider by an independent, third-party who has audited our training (the Real Estate Staging Association).


Click Here for 20 other reasons to choose HSR…


HSR Success Story – DMBM

Home Stager Success Story – Stager Turns Online, Trade Furnishing Company


I love this story because it represents so many stories I hear from HSR Members who get calls right away and have immediate success…

Can you imagine just starting the HSR Certification training and getting a call from a builder to stage a model home?  Here’s a quick video and encouraging story of how they handled it…

Our Story…

What makes the alliance with HSR and even more exciting to me is that my wife and I both got our start with HSR. The HSR program and lessons truly gave us a solid foundation and allowed us to apply what we have learned and in turn create a multi-million dollar business! 

Back in 2006 when we joined HSR and completed their program, our very first job was to stage two 5000+ sqf homes top to bottom for the parade of homes. Without thinking, we were so excited and we accepted the challenge just to find out shortly after that we only had 48 hours to get it all done.

We were in way over our heads, but we had to get creative to get it all done. So we decided to take all the furniture out of our personal home to get started on house number1  I do not recommend this!! Unfortunately all of our furniture only furnished the 1st floor of the parade home, so we had to reach out and two of our best friends loaned us all of their furniture for a week just so we can get one house completed……good friends!

By the time we started house 2, we were out of furniture and good friends it seemed J so we contacted local furniture stores and asked if we could use some of their furniture. After getting multiple “No thank you” answers we finally found a store to lend us living room, bedroom and game room furniture. As relieved as we were, the furniture we used was all very high-end which made it very stressful for us to move and place.

All that being said, we won 1st place in the Parade and both houses sold within a week. In addition, all of our furniture and some of our friends furniture sold as well.


The money we got paid for staging was certainly great but to also have additional income from furniture sales made the entire process even better.

Since all of the furniture that we sold was originally purchased at retail prices, our overall profit margins were relatively small.

Prior to starting DMBM my wife and I went to Furniture markets in an attempt to open up our own vendor accounts. We quickly realized that as an independent homestager/designer we were treated a little differently  – the first question we were always asked was “Do you have a store?” Our answer was no, which meant that we automatically got placed in the least favorable pricing category – Designer Pricing

Designer Pricing basically means – higher product cost, higher shipping costs and minimum order requirements. In addition, most vendors have opening orders that have to be met which can range from $1000 to $20,000.



Now HSR Members can access the website and offer “To the Trade” pricing to their clients because of our special relationship with HSR!

5 Critical Reasons to Attend the RESA Convention this Year

RESAconferencebtnEvery year I go to the RESA Convention and every year I get ten times more done in my business the months following that inspirational event because it is so motivating!  I really can’t say enough about this event, so I thought I’d bullet point some key reasons to attend (and use to convince your spouse the importance of you going!)


  1. Barbara Corcoran – Need I say more?  It’s incredible to me that RESA was able to get her to speak and I can’t wait to see what kind of wisdom this amazing woman has to share!
  2. Training Times Ten – Yep, you will learn so much at this event on so many different topics!  The experts are hand picked and are the best of the best!
  3. It Will Fire-Up Your Business – I promise you will walk away feeling invincible and capable of tackling the toughest projects, clients and marketing activities!
  4. You Will Make LOTS of Friends – Staging and design can be a lonely business, so coming to this event allows you to connect with peers, network and make friends that will also hold you accountable and encourage you all year round.
  5. Early Bird Pricing Currently, Las Vegas is a Cool Place to Visit and the Great Food – Okay, I listed three more fantastic reasons that not everyone is aware of…in fact, I think I gain five pounds from the amazing food that is served at the RESA Convention every year.

This event will sell out soon, so click here to sign-up today!


For past and present HSR Grads, I have a special video invite just for you…

Top 5 Shopping Resources for Home Staging

Why Using a Professional Home Stager and Stylist SAVES You Money…

In this video I go over the ways a home stylist can save clients money when shopping for home furnishings, as well as my top five favorite “to the trade” shopping sources online….

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I hope you enjoyed my top five shopping resources video and will use a home stylist on your next design project!

Over qualified professionals can be found in our Directory by Clicking Here!

XOXO – Happy Staging!

Audra Slinkey

Hope to hear from you!

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