8 Reasons to Add Holiday Design to Your Staging Business - HSR Home Staging Certification Training
holiday design

8 Reasons to Add Holiday Design to Your Business

Are you a holiday junkie like me?  If so, then why not add holiday design services to your business?

You may be asking, “Audra, why should I add holiday design services to my business?”  Well, here are 8 reasons why expanding your business into holiday design could be good for you along with Christmas trees from my 8 holiday styles so pick your favorite (they can all be found in my Houzz>Holiday Style Ideabook)…


It’s Fun!

If you are one of those people that LOVE the holiday and LOVE designing your home for the holidays, then this service is a no-brainer.  Here’s a secret for you…not everyone loves or even likes to decorate their home for the holiday BUT they know they should, so they are your perfect client.



It Fulfills A Need

Is it just me or does it seem like the holiday season gets shorter and shorter every year and I never have enough time to fit it all in?  I know I’m not alone and people would love a service that works with them to dial in their holiday home while saving them time.  We are in the era of “outsourcing” and now more than ever people are paying others to do the work they don’t have the time for.


It Attracts A Higher-End Clientele and Easily Leads to Much Broader Design Projects

The very nature of holiday design is to save clients time by doing the design for them, so typically the folks who don’t have that kind of time but do have the money are in a higher-end, income bracket.  What do this mean for the designer?  It means you’ve just created a wonderful referral source for multiple design projects.



It Attracts a Regular Clientele

The beauty of a holiday design service is that those client’s whom you did an excellent job for the previous year, will invariably have you come back every year!  You only need to cultivate a handful of client’s to have regular, steady business every year.  In fact, a stager friend of mine says that she earns almost 15% of her business yearly on only a few, holiday design client’s that LOVE her.



A Holiday Design Service is a Great Hedge to the Busy, Spring, Staging Season

Sometimes I hear stager’s complain that their staging business really dips during the holidays, so having a steady, holiday design clientele that keeps you busy, year after year, makes perfect sense!



It’s Impossible for People to Be Objective About Their Holiday “Stuff”

Yep, they are emotionally attached to some Christmas decor that really should have gone by the wayside long ago.  They wonder why their home doesn’t look very good during the holiday season and many times it’s because of these older, cheaper items they just don’t have the heart to let go of…sound familiar?  An expert, fresh set of eyes is such a huge benefit to sorting through home decor and getting the look we really want for our holiday home!



You Save Client’s Money by Re-purposing

Home Stagers and Designers have the uncanny ability to “see” interiors in creative ways and part of that skill-set goes toward Re-purposing items to their best showing.  Why pack all of your current decor away before decorating for the holidays when you can easily to the gorgeous decor you already have and “holiday, bling it up!”


Not Hard to Market a Holiday Design Service If You Know How (That’s What My Training Teaches You!)

An hour-long training that walks you through the entire process, gives you the FAQ and Price Sheet for your website, a Pre-Appointment Form so you ask the right questions up front and trains you on how to market this valuable service is available!

Invest in your business this holiday season!

Click Here to Find Out More About the Holiday Design Training!