2015 NAR Home Staging Statistics

NAR Home Staging Statistics Are In!
Finally, the National Association of Realtors has surveyed real estate agents on the merits of home staging! To see the full report, click here or on the image below. In the survey, they interviewed over 2,300 real estate agents to get their opinion on the benefits of staging, who pays for the staging and how often they recommend staging to their clients.
As a home staging trainer whose sole mission has been to “make home staging an industry standard” for the last 10 years, I’m happy to say that a whopping 34% of the agents surveyed insist on ALL their homes being staged! Yippee! Before I get too excited, we stagers have a long way to go in educating the other 66% who don’t think that every listing benefits from staging, so here you go…
I’ve included some fantastic quote images below from the staging report, I want everyone to share on Facebook, Pinterest, your websites, etc…all year long. They are yours to use freely to get the word out!
Home Staging Deeply Affects Buyer’s Perspective
When Buyers Can Visualize the Product As Their Home, An Offer is Made
Even A Flawed Home Has Hope When Staging Happens
Ask the Seller How Much 11-20% More Would Affect Their Bottom Line
A Very Small Percentage of Agents Think Staging Does Not Affect Price
Together, we can grow this industry
We are not each others competition
Staging works to sell home’s faster and for more money!
XOXO – Happy Staging!
Audra Slinkey
Hope to hear from you!